Handheld Terminal

With its high processing capacity and various communication interface options, kentkart Handheld Terminal can be used not only for charging smart cards and banking operations but also for data collection. Our portable terminal, which can be used in vehicles or as a desktop or handheld solution, thanks to its contactless card reader can also be used as POS (Point Of Sale Terminal).


For all its data collection, recording, and transmission, kentkart Handheld Terminal uses the latest security standards (RSA, 3DES, AES). It accepts multiple contactless payment media including Mifare Classic, Mifare Plus, Mifare UL, Mifare DESFire, Innovision Jewel, JCOP, MC PayPass, Visa PayWave. A high-quality TFT LCD panel and audio speakers allow the device to show various notifications and warnings.


So, please do not hesitate to turn your belief in kentkart into investments and investments to success. Contact us to become our new partner.

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Aiming to be the pioneer of smart transportation systems with the power of modern technologies, Kentkart offers quality and innovative solutions in the fields of electronic payment, public transportation management, in-car imaging and passenger information.

Hand Terminal

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Hand Terminal


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